Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Sweat and Blossom

As the season warms and the first pink buds appear on trees around town, I find myself longing for the sensation of feet pounding against pavement. This is the time of year when I emerge from exercise hibernation and reclaim my running clothes from a neglected bottom drawer. Driving down my street towards home at the end of the day, I am reminded of huffing and puffing in the opposite direction, just three years ago...

Legs cramping, heart thundering, and mind focused entirely on the act of forcing air in and out of my lungs, I reached the top of River Road. My trusty running partner, who at this point was my partner in pain, remained by my side. We gasped a collective sigh of relief and victory. One mile to go. No more hills. And as I wiped the steady stream of sweat from my forehead and began to drag my feet, one step at a time, down the road ahead, I became aware of how perfect the morning was. A street lined with blossom trees lay ahead of us, the bright March sun illuminated the scene, and a cool spring breeze brought it gently to life. We began to regain our pace, and I felt the previous 12 miles slip away as I embraced the simple pleasure of running with my friend down a street that I love.


My running shoes have been in retirement for the last two years but I plan to dust them off and get back on the pavement this month. I hope this post will hold me accountable!


  1. I would love to have a memory like this. Unfortunately, about two miles is perfect for me...or maybe less. I admire people like you and put your second paragraph on my "maybe someday, but I doubt it" list.

  2. It's so neat to see how many people are slicing and running to start off March. I think the recent warm weather definitely has everyone's mind's turned toward spring. Thank you for slicing! It's so wonderful that your students are joining you.

  3. Wow- you describe something I've never experienced (distance running) with such detail that I feel as if I'm right there with you. Glad to hear you are getting back to running and thrilled that you are slicing this month!

  4. I love how you capture this moment of your race. I can feel it! Also, I know once I put things in print, then I do them. Happy Running!
